Passion: The Driving Force Marketing

Passion: The Driving Force Marketing

Passion. To have success in any field, one must have passion.

The Super Bowl is only two days away and there is no question in anyone’s mind about the intangibles Tamba Bay’s quarterback, Tom Brady brings to the game. On the sideline, in the huddle, and on the field, Brady integrates passion into his performance and leadership techniques. Players and fans alike erupt with applause and support whenever he exuberantly shows his emotion after a big play. This passion for the game and passion to win has elevated his career toward the potential of a seventh Super Bowl ring.

As human beings, we are drawn to passion. From sports to movies to media, engaging in a culture with like-minded people creates increasingly powerful bonds. For these reasons, new-age marketing has found incredible success by developing new beats and targeting small but passionate audiences. Serving these passionate people exactly what they want has opened up a number of opportunities for emerging, creative marketers.

Another exciting example of success in creative marketing is through online gaming. With websites like providing coverage and live streams of professional gamers, spectators began to hunger for more. Soon enough, blogs and online forums emerged to cover tournaments, teams, and gaming FAQs. By feeding the audience’s passion for the sport of online gaming, these simple niche concepts grew with rapid popularity.

In the early stages of this reporting, those producing the content looked for effective yet inexpensive ways to output their media. Enter: Mobile Journalism. By using social media sites like Twitter and Youtube, marketers were able to leverage audio, video, and text stories to an engaged audience. More importantly, by integrating mobile marketing methods, audiences still scored without having to sacrifice content quality. As these concepts continue to rise to the forefront, those with a passion for creative marketing have a promising future ahead.